I lost track of time - I completely lost track of which day was which this past week.
It's been a long one, but here we be. (April 1, 2012!)
Ginger Snap This Week
SPECS: ~5-5.6 inches (from head to butt cheeks); ~5.25 ounces!!!!!!
Factoid: "Fat stores begin to develop under your baby's skin this week. The fat will provide energy and help keep your baby warm after birth. Baby's eyes are looking forward now, but they are still firmly closed. The skeleton is transforming from cartilage to bone. The bones remain flexible to make the journey through the birth canal easier." (good to know!!) http://www.baby2see.com/development/week17.html
I keep imagining what this baby looks like - it's going to be awesome to find out! The "feelings" inside are more each day, but the most evident at night. It's really interesting. It's a very cool feeling - I call it "what you'd imagine the beginnings of boiling water feels like." I am sure the next few weeks Ginger Snap'll start to feel like more than bubbles, but hey, this is where we are.
Mamma This Week
NOBODY prepared me for hormones - seeing red one minute (ie: banchi level screaming), then bawling my eyes out, then sound asleep peacefully the next. Seriously, all the "moms" in my life never ever talked about the mood swings in a realistic "I can grasp this-that is scary" kind of way. It's awful; I'm not going to lie. But, the good news, it passes. A few of the more recent conversations I've had with moms and currently pregnant friends have brought me so much comfort - I am not alone in my feelings of insanity. I am also not alone in my feelings of calm. They ebb and flow. They key is overcoming and staying in the calm. Anyways... Work was good this week; my car is falling apart; I weeded parts of my yard and got some sun; I saw family; I told those in my life I love them. I'm striving for continual acceptance. And counting down the weeks! (Am I half way there yet?!)
Praises for Dad
He met more of my family!!! And he survived! He was incredibly thoughtful bringing a few of us out to lunch last weekend - made me very happy and peaceful. Getting the people I love the most together over a meal was a great experience, and I am ever grateful to him for his graciousness and strength in offering doing so.
Experiences... er... Thoughts
Homemade Nursing Pillow |
I've been inactive this week. No fun field trips, just working and coming home. The best part of my week has been coming home to my couch and doggies, and sewing. My favorite project thus far: nursing pillow! You can find ANYTHING on the Internet - I found some excellent free sewing patterns and have been starting a small collection of things I plan to make. The pillow (and a cover for it) has been my favorite, for sure. I've used it for a neck rest, to sleep with around my belly, and around my lap as a book rest. I'm so proud of myself! I might start bringing it everywhere I go to make people see how comfortable it is. It would be more impressive if I made the pattern, but hey, we all need to start somewhere, huh? I'm gaining weight too, along with my baby developing fat. I mean, I think I've gained 1 pound, but still. It's an adjustment. And it ain't all bad!