About Me

I am a soon-to-be Momma. I love my plants, my dogs, and home made bread. I adore my boyfriend, and am blessed to know him. I am an Urban Planner by training, Grant Writer by trade.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Thoughts at 21 Weeks

Ginger Snap This Week

SPECS: ~7" length (head to butt); ~11 ounces (these are approximations) 
FACTS: "Brain growth. Baby's brain will be growing very quickly, especially the structure deep in the center of the brain responsible for producing brain cells. This structure will disappear shortly before birth.
Organ maturity. Your baby's general growth pattern will slow down, but different organs will continue to mature, the heart will beat stronger (audible through fetal monitoring ), and the legs will reach the correct proportions."  http://www.gerber.com/pregnancy/growth_and_development/week_21_your_pregnancy.aspx

Mamma This Week

Uncle Joseph and Mamma
I think my life is boring. I mean, nothing major happened this week. Sam and I were talking about that, and it seems as if we are both breathing sighs of relief; finally a break in the action!  I'm feeling great physically. My belly is growing, Ginger Snap is floating around head butting my uterine walls, (and seems to be enjoying every minute of it)! Happy little baby-baby. I'm trying to focus on cooking more, perhaps picking baking back up. I'm still sewing. I'm watching my plants grow, and snuggling with my dogs. My dog Wyatt is a newly diagnosed diabetic. (Poor thing.) Chloe comforts him and makes sure he gets the snuggle time that he needs. There's been a lot of adjustments with his medical needs, but we are doing it. Oh yes, I went to a flea market in Baltimore County this weekend. I was able to visit with my brother, his girlfriend and his best friend. It made me so happy to see the three of them. It had been way too long. I need to get better at making plans with the people in my life that I love and miss.  Time keeps ticking, and I miss my people.

Praises for Dad

Oh, you know what? He's the best. Yes, he truly is. He ordered me a maternity pillow. I know, I know, there are going to be a few of you that just shake your heads, and say to yourself "I didn't have that when I was pregnant, and I was fine!" or "Just use a blanket!" But... let me tell you how comfortable I've been, sleeping with this pillow. One morning last week, I was so wrapped up in this question-mark-looking-pillow that I literally could not get out of bed.  I had to pull on my dog to get out! Ha! Sam knew I needed that extra "umph" of comfort to make the growing belly and achy body supported and cozy. His initiative on behalf of my slumber made me realize how blessed I am.  We are also creating our registry - not a small feat. He has gone gang-busters with selecting baby things. Not just the typical items, but feeding items, bibs, utensils, cups, bottles, high chair, (even picked the same breast pump I want!) etc. Our kid will know how to eat and appreciate good food! Granted, he did pick a lot of diapering necessities, too, and we will get to the socks and the onesies. It's awesome knowing that he's really looking out for baby's future food needs. Props, praises and hugs to Daddy Sam!


I want to yell sometimes, "I'm still Michelle! I'm just pregnant!"  During my senior year in college, one of my favorite professors and I sat on a bench in the middle of campus. We were discussing a great piece of fiction, and he stopped, took a breath, and told me why he was doing this book study (with that particular author) with me. He knew I marched to my own drum beat, and he believed I would value the time discussing the book, it's meaning to our lives, and the book's greater cultural implications.  I valued his perspective and time he gave in considering and probing my thoughts, my opinions, and how I viewed the world around me. What stayed with me was that he complimented my drum beat that I was not ashamed to follow. You know what? Being pregnant has not changed that drum beat. Things are changing, yes. But I'm still me. I'm still Michelle. I'm a momma-to-be, but I'm not a stranger or a different person, although I see some things differently than I did pre-pregnancy. I don't feel like people are treating me differently (well, sometimes they do). But, this is a gentle reminder to myself that I am a pregnant version of myself. I used to think pregnant women's  lives stopped and they became a vastly different person; but that's not mandatory (or true all the time). I will keep with the drum beat, and raise Gingersnap to do the same. If I didn't... I would then be a different person. Thankfully, Sam marches to his drum beat too. Look out baby Ginger Snap...! Your Mommy and Daddy are paving the way!


  1. <3 you girlie! You are still Michelle! And being friends with you for 15 (OMG!) years proves that!

  2. Thanks Tricia!! 15?! Wow!!! here's to plenty more!!! Love you! (thank you!)

  3. You're awesome, Bec. I needed that! =)
